WooCommerce Products List Pro 1.1.24

WooСommerce Products List PRO is a simple but powerful WordPress plugin to list all your WooСommerce products.
- User friendly and self-explanatory administration panel;
- Displays all the needed data for your products according to your settings;
- Easy to add a list anywhere on your WordPress via shortcode;
- Easy to add a list anywhere on your WordPress via PHP function;
- Comes with a WordPress shortcode creator editor plugin;
- You can create unlimited product lists by filtering per product category, product tag, product publishing date etc;
- “Add Selected to Cart” with select all checkbox for mass / bulk adding products to cart;
- Extensible / developer friendly. You can alter the plugin without hacking it, but via WordPress filters and actions;
- Make your products stand out with your custom sticker/icon. You can enable/disable or override it per product;
- Supports YITH WooCommerce Wishlist;
- Supports YITH WooCommerce Quick View;
- Supports WooCommerce Product Gift Wrap;
- AJAX can be enabled / disabled from the settings page;
- Sorting of table columns in the frontend by clicking at each column header;
- List pagination;
- On the fly categories and tags filters;
- Attributes are supported;
- Custom fields and meta are supported;
- Responsive Layout / Mobile Ready;
- Easily translatable via .po / .mo files.
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Updated History
24 November 2021 WooCommerce Products List Pro 1.1.24
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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