Super Forms Calculator Add-on 2.3.2

With Super Forms Calculator for Super Forms you can create advanced calculation forms based on the user input. Make awesome booking and order forms or create complex estimation forms. It is as easy as doing normal mathematics.
Super Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows anyone to create both simple and complex forms with an easy drag & drop interface. With this plugin you can do anything when it comes to creating forms for your projects.
The plugin can be used by anyone who wishes to create form(s) for their WordPress website(s). Zero programming is required to create a form meaning it wil speed up your workflow. Features:
Conditional Logic. With this feature you can conditionally show or hide specific elements or a set of elements that are inside a column based on a other fields value. This guide will explain what conditional logic is, how to set conditions and when to us conditional logic.
Conditional logic allows you to show or hide specific elements based on a other fields value. Whenever you have set a condition that was met and the method or action of this condition was to hide the element, it will no longer be visible to the user and will not be submitted by the form either.
You should use conditional logic to exclude fields from being submitted/saved. When a field or element is conditionally hidden it will not be visible to the user. (the field will not be send in emails, and will not be saved in contact entries, the form basically does not submit the field at all)
Whenever you wish to hide fields but still want them to be submitted to emails and saved in contact entries, instead use either a Hidden field, or put the fields in a Column and make the column invisible and make sure the column does not have any conditional logic enabled.
Translations System. Do you need a form in multiple languages? No problem with Super Forms!
Easily translate the forms you already build with a native build in translation system.
The only thing you will have to do is choose your default language and sub languages.
Easily enable RTL so that Super Forms will automatically apply the Right to left layout.
Both Elements Settings and Form Settings can be translated, so that you can send emails in the correct language.
Enable the Language Switcher so that your users can easily switch to their preferred languages on the fly or choose to display a fixed language with the use of shortcodes.
The tags. The tags system in Super Forms is a very simple but yet very powerfull feature that gives any form the flexibility you require.
A so called {tag} can retrieve the form data entered by a user on the fly for either later use in your emails, or to directly display it somewhere in your form to be displayed to the user itself.
Variable Fields. Creating the most complex forms is possible with variable fields. A variable field it\’s value can be updated dynamically on the fly based on other fields values. This allows you to have more flexibility within your final value or for doing complex calculations and speed things up when building your form.
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Updated History
25 November 2021 Super Forms Calculator Add-on 2.3.2
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)