Sabai Directory 1.4.14 – Business Directory Plugin for WordPress

Sabai Directory is a Codecanyon premium business directory WordPress plugin from onokazu developers. The plugin features the ability to build a community driven local business directories like, Google+ Places, or Yahoo! Local. Features:
- Display listings in list, grid, or map view.
- Fully responsive and flat design.
- Search listings by keywords, category, distance, and location with user friendly auto-suggestion features.
- Custom fields with visual form editor (Choice, Date, HTML, Markdown Text, Number, ON/OFF, Paragraph Text, Single Line Text, CAPTCHA, User, Section Break, File Upload, Image Upload, Video, Email, Phone Number, and more).
- Filter listings and reviews by custom fields.
- Fully interactive map – show listing details on hover/click, refresh search results on map drag, autocomplete location field, clustered markers, etc.
- Add new or claim existing listings.
- Post reviews of listings with 1-5 star multi-criteria rating system and rating charts.
- Upload photos of listings.
- Multi-location support.
- Comment on reviews and photos.
- Vote reviews helpful/non-helpful.
- Vote up photos and comments.
- Bookmark listings, reviews, and photos.
- Flag listings, reviews, photos, and comments.
- Show directions on map.
- Dashboard for users to manage their listings, leads (if there are any claimed listing), payment orders, and bookmarks.
- Featured listings.
- Custom single listing page tabs.
- Display reviews, photos, and bookmarks by user.
- Unlimited hierarchical categories.
- Custom map marker (by category) and marker cluster images.
- Create multiple directories.
- Paid listings with custom pricing plans.
- PayPal,, 2Checkout, Stripe payment gateways.
- PayPal and Stripe recurring payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual) with trial period Manual payments.
- Manage payment orders.
- Show pricing tables.
- Flexible role-based permission system.
- org microdata support.
- Contact listing owners via contact us form.
- Geolocation.
- Share listings.
- CSV Importer (Categories, Listings, Photos).
- RTL language support.
- OpenStreetMap support.
- BuddyPress user profile/activity integration.
- Integration with point system of MyCRED plugin.
- 27 customizable e-mail notifications.
- 16 custom Google map styles.
- 11 widgets.
- 12 shortcodes.
- French (by nexia), Dutch (by sjopsjop) translations included.
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Updated History
5 October 2022 Sabai Directory 1.4.14 – Business Directory Plugin for WordPress
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)