Image Map Pro for WordPress 5.6.5 – Interactive Image Map Builder

Image Map Pro is the most advanced WordPress plugin with modern interface from Codecanyon for creating image maps. It is super easy to use and the user interface is clean, attractive, easy to understand and it just works. In new version you got Squares – a content builder that lets you add rich content and media to the tooltips of your image map. Plugin has much advantages, mains are:
Super Advanced Drag-and-drop Editor. Image Map Pro comes with a fully featured web app to quickly create, edit and export your image maps. Using the app is super easy and a step-by-step guide is also included!
Draw Your Own Custom Shapes. Image Map Pro is the only plugin, which allows you to draw custom shapes. You can also use pins, custom icons, rectangles and ellipses.
150 High Quality SVG Icons. That’s right, 150 high-quality SVG icons bundled in the Editor. And if you still can’t find that special icon you need, you can also use your own image!
Full Control Over Styles and Animations. With the Editor you can customize properties like opacity, fill, stroke and corner-radius to match the design of your site. You can also have separate styles on mouseover!
Touchscreen Optimized and Fully Responsive. Image Map Pro is made to properly handle touch events. And if you have a lot of content in your tooltips you can make them fullscreen on mobile devices!
Customizable Actions for Mouseover and Click. The shapes can be links! Tooltips can be made to appear on mouseover or click – whatever works best in your case. Or you can turn the tooltips off completely!
Comprehensive API Included. Image Map Pro comes with an API that you can use to code custom functionality for your image map. For example, you can show a tooltip by default, or run javascript when a user clicks on a shape.
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Updated History
4 October 2022 Image Map Pro for WordPress 5.6.5 – Interactive Image Map Builder
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