Formidable Views Addon 5.3.2

Formidable Views Addon – display Form Data with Views.
Forms gather data and store it in the database of your WordPress site. However, what if you wish to visualize the data? Formidable Forms is the only form builder plugin for WordPress that completely integrates with Views. This plugin includes a WordPress application builder, which enables you to show form data on the front end of any WordPress website.
Any data entered or imported into a Formidable form may be displayed, searched, and filtered attractively on your site\’s front end. Your creativity is the only constraint!
The ability to create strong websites with real estate listings, job or classifieds listings, event calendars, company or member directories, and searchable databases is contingent upon the ability to generate views. The possibilities for managing, displaying, and searching data on the front end of your site are almost endless using Views.
Form data presented in your preferred format
With the Formidable Views tool, you can create event calendars and much more.
There is no better choice than Formidable if you want to utilize WordPress to display form submissions. You can automatically generate webpages from user-submitted data in any form field! The possibilities are practically endless.
Not only may Views be used to create front-end websites, but they can also be used to create real-time reports. Why invest for a costly analytics dashboard software when you already have the power of submission data?
Consider the following scenario: a visitor completes your contact form. After they complete the form, you may build your own dashboard on a private website that shows graphs, demographic information, location data, and whatever else you gather via the form.
Utilizing Views is straightforward. After installing and activating the plugin, you\’ll find everything in your WordPress admin. Additionally, we have step-by-step tutorials and numerous specialized knowledgebase articles available whenever you are.
Present your form data in the simplest and most elegant manner possible. Today, with Views, you can take control of how your WordPress website appears and operates.
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Updated History
26 September 2022 Formidable Views Addon 5.3.2
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