Formidable Datepicker Options Addon 1.06

Increase the number of date field choices in your WordPress forms. The Formidable Datepicker Choices Addon adds additional options to forms that use datepicker fields, ensuring that only the dates you specify may be booked.
Options for the WordPress Datepicker:
- Weekdays are blackout days.
- Dates may be blocked out by choosing particular days.
- To get more control over the year range, set the minimum and/or maximum dates depending on another date field.
- Set the minimum and/or maximum dates using the current date as the starting point.
- Inline the datepicker so that it appears immediately in the form.
ATTENTION: You must purchase the main premium Formidable Forms Pro plugin to use this extension. The extension will not work without the main plugin, nor will it work on the Lite version of the Formidable Pro plugin.
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Updated History
26 September 2022 Formidable Datepicker Options Addon 1.06
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)