

Easy Digital Downloads Password Meter Addon v1.2.1

Easy Digital Downloads Envato Integration Addon
This extension allows you to integrate a configurable password meter with minimum strength requirements into the EDD user registration form which is optionally displayed on guest purchases. In addition to password strength verification, the password meter also allows users to toggle password visibility, and generate secure passwords inline.

Easy Digital Downloads Variable Pricing Switcher Addon v1.0.5

Easy Digital Downloads Envato Integration Addon
This extension allows customers to easily switch between price options on the checkout screen. Keeping customers on the checkout screen is a great way to improve conversion rates. When customers get distracted and leave the checkout screen, perhaps to select different product options, they are far more likely to abandon their purchase. When a product includes multiple

Easy Digital Downloads Upload File Addon v2.1.4

Easy Digital Downloads Envato Integration Addon
This extension allows your customers to upload files before or after completing an order. You can enable the upload file functionality per-product so your customers are only asked for one or more files when it's relevant. The extension also allows you to set a maximum number of files that can be uploaded, as well as

Easy Digital Downloads EDD Wish Lists Addon v1.1.7

Easy Digital Downloads Envato Integration Addon
Let customers save products they love Give your customers the ability to save and share their favorite products on your site with the EDD Wish Lists add-on. Increase your sales by giving potential buyers a great user experience - a pressure-free way to save products to review later or share with their friends and family.

Easy Digital Downloads EDD Social Discounts Addon v2.0.5

Easy Digital Downloads Envato Integration Addon
Offer your customers a discount for sharing products Ever wanted to offer your customers a discount for sharing or liking products on your website? This plugin does exactly that. It also allows you to share standard posts and pages, and products from a completely different post/page on your website. By turning off the discount functionality