Discounts Pro gives you the ability to create advanced discounts that are automatically applied to the checkout screen based on specific conditions. In just minutes, you can create a discount that automatically gives 20% off to all logged in users, or all logged in users that have a certain user role. You can create discounts that
The Resend Receipt extension for Easy Digital Downloads allows your customers to resend their purchase receipts directly from your website without logging into their account. This is a great addition for stores that allow guest purchases, or do not want to require their users to log in, to be able to get a new copy
Real-time notifications can be a real productivity killer, but it's easy to feel left-in-the-dark by turning them off and not knowing how your store is performing. EDD Email Reports solves this conundrum by fetching all of your store's important statistics and packing them into a detailed sales report email that summarizes how your products are
Allows site admins to generate discount codes in bulk and then export them directly to CSV. You can generate an unlimited number of discount codes and control the exact options for the discount codes that are generated, including required products, minimum amounts, one time use, etc., just like standard discounts in Easy Digital Downloads. After
Conditional Emails allows you to create automatic emails that are sent when certain events occur. For example, you can easily create an email that is automatically delivered to the customer when a new pending purchase record is created, or you could create an email that goes to your site administrators anytime a payment's status is
Acquisition Survey allows you to gather information from your customers during purchase about how they found you. Once activated, a new "How did you hear about us?" will be added to the checkout screen. The options displayed in the field can be customized to best suit each site the extension is installed on. Store admins also
This extension for Easy Digital Downloads allows you to easily restrict content on your site to only those users who have purchased your products. In just seconds, you can limit the content of any post, page, custom post type, and even bbPress forums and topics to confirmed buyers of any product. If a user has
Frontend Submissions provides a full-featured package to turn your Easy Digital Downloads powered website into a complete multi-vendor marketplace. Vendor dashboard With Frontend Submissions, users can register to become a vendor from the frontend and then, once approved, have complete access to their vendor dashboard. From the dashboard, vendors can create new products, update existing products, view
The PayPal Commerce Pro payment gateway extension for Easy Digital Downloads allows you to accept credit cards, debit cards, and alternative payments alongside PayPal on your WordPress sites. With PayPal Commerce enabled for your online store, you’ll provide a higher converting, more secure checkout experience for your customers than previously offered by PayPal. It’s also
Per Product Notifications for Easy Digital Downloads allows you to define additional email addresses that should receive sale notifications anytime a product is sold. This is perfect for stores that sell products from others, letting you notify them about sales of their products. The email sent is the same as defined in Downloads → Settings