xPromoter – Top Bar Switcher Responsive WordPress Plugin v1.3

Download Free xPromoter – Top Bar Switcher Responsive WordPress Plugin Nulled CodeCanyon 16455608
The Top Bar Offers Promoter is the best way to emphasize the offers on your website. All the special offers will be instantly seen by your potential buyers.
- Extremely customizable – Over 50 parameters from where you can customize the plugin.
- Suitable for any website – You have parameters to change anything: colors, images, backgrounds, borders, dimensions. In this manner you can integrate the plugin in any website
- Responsive Design – The top bar promoter is responsive for both fixed dimensions or full width versions. Parameter to disable responsive behavior.
- Mobile Compatible – It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
- SEO Friendly – Our top bar promoter will not affect your website SEO by modifying your website links or by inserting iframes
- Social/Share – Options to add social icons in order to promote your website on all the available channels.
- Centered or full width – You can set the top bar promoter to be centered on your website or to stretch the full width of the browser.
- Links for each Offer – Optional links for each product/offer with parameter for _self or _blank. In this manner you can set a different link for each image.
- Logo Section – Optional parameter to set your logo. Also, logo link available with parameter for _self or _blank
- Close button – You can hide the top bar any time you want. Cookie option also available to permanently close the top bar for a given time of minutes.
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Updated History
Jul 25, 2019 - xPromoter - Top Bar Switcher Responsive WordPress Plugin v1.3
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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