WP Crowdfunding Pro – The Ultimate Fundraising WordPress Plugin v11.2.1

Download WP Crowdfunding – The Ultimate Fundraising WordPress Plugin Free Nulled
Thanks to @TassieNZ for sharing the plugin.
The world’s most loved WordPress
crowdfunding plugin
WP Crowdfunding is a revolutionary WordPress plugin that helps you create a fundraising or backer site with WordPress. This plugin is based on WooCommerce. It has a native wallet system for accepting local payments. WP Crowdfunding has the facility to split the money through Stripe Connect. It’s a full fledged crowdfunding system.
Based on WooCommerce
WP Crowdfunding uses the power of WooCommerce to accept and manage pledges from backers. We’ve deeply paired the world’s renowned e-commerce system for WordPress with our crowdfunding plugin.
Sets up the backing mechanism inside
Intuitive functionalities for backers and admins
Native Wallet System
WP Crowdfunding Native Wallet system keeps track of funds raised on a crowdfunding project. The project owner can send a withdraw request to the admin after raising a certain amount of money. It calculates the withdrawable project funds, website commissions and generates statistics.
- Keep track of the raised amount
- Send a withdraw request
- Manage raised funds
Stripe Connect
Stripe Connect payment system is very useful for crowdfunding sites to seamlessly send the money to the project owner and the admin at a time(as configured). WP Crowdfunding offers this facility by supporting Stripe Connect.
- Distribute money seamlessly
- Easy and smooth integration
Frontend Operations
From registration to the project submission form, everything is frontend in WP Crowdfunding. Users can add or update projects in a comfortable interface.
- No backend access required for users
- Operate campaigns on the frontend
- Check statistics and see the summary
Money Management
WP Crowdfunding offers a versatile money management system. Payment methods like PayPal, Stripe, Skrill, cards, all are supported.
- Add payment methods
- Enjoy automated calculation
- Raise, transfer & manage money
This plugin was shared by @TassieNZ.
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Updated History
Dec 30, 2020 - WP Crowdfunding Pro - The Ultimate Fundraising WordPress Plugin v11.1.8 Nulled
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