WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder

Download Free WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder Nulled CodeCanyon 7818230
Easily sell any customized services & products creating your own flat and responsive cost calculator or payment forms (even with subscription !) on your wordpress website .
This unique plugin can be used to sell any type of service or products: applications, websites, graphics, seo, pets, lunar fragments …. or anything else.
Your customers can get an accurate estimate of their request (the final estimate/order is sent by email) or directly do payment using Paypal or Stripe. The customer’s email can be automatically sent to your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list .
You can also choose to hide all prices from the form and emails to use it as a classical form.
Its intuitive and powerful conditional system and its many components allow you to create any type of form easily.
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder also works with WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads : you can easily create a gift creator, or a smart products packs generator. The selected products can be automatically added to the cart at end of the form .
Its powerful booking system allows you to manage your calendars, events and reminders directly from the backend. Assign a specific calendar to a datepicker of your form to automatically register new events !
It is also able to do distance calculations and complex custom calculations, using powerful and intuitive visual tools.
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Updated History
Sep 29, 2022 - WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder v10.1.44
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)