WP 301 Redirects Pro 6.03 NULLED – Manage redirects and 404 errors

WP 301 Redirects PRO helps you manage and create 301, 302, 307 redirects for your WordPress site to improve SEO and visitor experience. With a user-friendly interface, 301 Redirects is easy to use. Perfect for new sites or repairing links after reorganizing your existing WordPress content, or when your site has content that expires and you wish to avoid sending visitors to a 404 error page. Use the 404 error log to identify problematic links.
301 Redirects GUI is located in WP Admin – Settings – 301 Redirects. 404 Error Log widget can be found in the WP Admin – Dashboard.
What is a 301 Redirect?
A redirect is a simple way to re-route traffic coming to a Requested URL to different Destination URL.
A 301 redirect indicates that the page requested has been permanently moved to the Destination URL, and helps pass on the Requested URLs traffic in a search engine friendly manner. Creating a 301 redirect tells search engines that the Requested URL has moved permanently, and that the content can now be found on the Destination URL. An important feature is that search engines will pass along any clout the Requested URL used to have to the Destination URL.
- Choose from Pages, Posts, Custom Post types, Archives, and Term Archives from dropdown menu
- Or, set a custom destination URL!
- Retain query strings across redirects
- Super-fast redirection
- 404 error log
- 404 error log widget
- Import/Export feature for bulk redirects management
- Simple redirect stats so you know how much a redirection is used
- Fully compatible with translation plugins (Weglot, TranslatePress, Gtranslate, Loco Translate) that use lang prefix in URL
Need more features?
WP 301 Redirects PRO Nulled offers wildcard & regular expression URL matching, auto-typo fixing in URLs, complete redirect and 404 log, and a centralized SaaS dashboard to monitor redirects on all your sites from one place.
No Bloat! Just The Tools You Need To Instantly Take Control Over Redirects & Regain Traffic.
We build 301 Redirects plugin out of necessity to fix issues that every site has. Other sites linking to its pages that don’t exist! Instead of frustrating users with “clever” 404 pages, redirect them to the page they really wanted to see.
- Instantly Boost Meaningful Traffic. Instead of users hitting the dreadful 404 page they’ll get redirected to the page they wanted to see while bad bots get ignored.
- Take Control Over Redirects. It doesn’t matter if you changed your URL structure or you need nice outgoing affiliate links. Easily handle any redirection.
- Safely Change Post URLs. We’ll monitor every post/page URL and automatically create a redirect rule the moment URL changes. You don’t have to do anything.
- Ignore Bad Traffic. Automatic redirects don’t work on bad bots – they are simply ignored and get the standard 404 page. Don’t worry, Google is whitelisted.
- Know Exactly What’s Going On. Built-in charts give you the information you need to know what’s going on without the bloat of tools like Google Analytics.
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Updated History
24 August 2022 WP 301 Redirects Pro 6.03 NULLED – Manage redirects and 404 errors
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