WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin v5.2.2

Download WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin Nulled CodeCanyon 19214408 Big Thanks To @roger.pinto
The WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin converts your e-commerce store into a fully functional marketplace having multiple sellers with separate seller profile and gives sellers the functionality of adding the products from the seller panel. Using this plugin the seller can view and edit his profile information. He can view his product list and search, edit or delete products from it. The seller can view a record of his transactions and sales charts on his dashboard. He can view his order history for all the orders, change his password and even ask questions to the admin.
The admin can also manage the product list, seller list, commissions, and settings. Admin can edit or delete products, approve, disapprove or assign sellers to products, set separate commission rates for different sellers and can change settings like product auto-publish and seller auto-approval permissions.
Start Selling Today With WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace
Using this plugin anyone can achieve success who wants to create some extra stream of income online. The best part is that it requires no technical knowledge to set it up. The developers have done a good job of making the setup very easy even for beginners.
Additionally, this plugin comes with interesting features that you don’t see on other plugins. Like we can add various features with the help of it’s add-ons. Some of add-ons like Marketplace Quote System is very useful for B2B Marketplace. Another add-on Marketplace Mass Upload can be used to upload products from Seller/Supplier end.
Webkul Multi Vendor Marketplace plugin is fully compatible with any third-party themes as long as it is working fine with the default WooCommerce platform. Check out Electro Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme by MadrasThemes.
The developers are constantly updating and adding new features thereby making it even better every day. No doubt, the WooCommerce Marketplace is the “the game-changer” for WordPress WooCommerce shop owners. No need to waste time looking for an alternative, you can get the plugin today and enjoy the awesome features that come with it.
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Updated History
Sep 17, 2022 - WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin v5.2.2
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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