WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin v2.4.0 Untouched

Download WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin CodeCanyon 19393357
This Item only works with Webkul’s WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace. Hence the Marketplace Plugin is Required, to make use of this Plugin.
WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin is a chat system which helps Marketplace Seller and the Marketplace Buyer to start the conversation. In this plugin, any buyer can start to chat with any seller.
Buyer can ask queries related to the product that seller is selling or any upcoming products information and seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries. A healthy conversation between a buyer and a seller leads to more sales conversions.
It is user-friendly and customizable, where the administrator can customize the theme of the chat window and user list.
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Updated History
Sep 17, 2022 - WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat Plugin v2.4.0 Untouched
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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