WordPress Real Category Management 4.1.29 NULLED – Custom category term order Tree view

WordPress Real Category Management NULLED will help you to Organize content like posts, pages or WooCommerce products in category folders. Mass content management made easy!
It’s basically a file manager like Windows Explorer or Mac Finder, but for your content in WordPress. Mass content management made easy with Real Category Management!
Real Category Management allows you to organize all your WordPress categories within the main screen – easy and flexible. Use your mouse (or touch it) to drag and drop your posts. Create, name, delete or rearrange your categories. It works seamlessly with any custom post type and WooCommerce products. Just install this plugin and it works with all your posts. It also supports WordPress Multisite.
- Latest WordPress version / Gutenbergready.
- Flexible viewof your categories structure.
- Drag and dropyour posts.
- Works fine with WooCommerce products and product attributes.
- Just install and it works with your current categories.
- Move or appendto category.
- Supports custom post types.
- Supports multiple taxonomies and WooCommerce product attributes.
- No annoying page reloadwhile switching the content (pagination, category switch, taxonomy switch) – it works like infinite scroll for your WP List tables.
- Full control for your folders in one toolbar (create, rename, delete, rearrange).
- Custom term orderfor your front end order (drag & drop).
- Compatible with touch devices.
- Supports multisite.
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Updated History
22 September 2022 WordPress Real Category Management 4.1.29 NULLED – Custom category term order Tree view
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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