WooCommerce Show Variations as Single Products 1.3.19

With WooCommerce Show Variations as Single Products plugin you are able to show all product variations as own products in the shop or category pages.
Do it like Amazon or other big eCommerce shops! Display variants of your products within the shop and category pages of WooCommerce. There are 2 main reasons why you should show variable products as single ones:
- Users can directly view & add variations to their cart
- It increases your SEO traffic by creating more specific internal links
Unique dynamic title functionality makes it easy for you to change the variation products title. Simply define a Title & Attribute template, configure the appendix and you are done! A product then will show as “T-Shirt in Color Grey and Size 30” (Product Title in Attribute Name with Attribute Value). Of course, the default WooCommerce product search is fully supported. So when customers search for “hoodies” for example, they will see a result list with all hoodie variations.
Same as the search, also all default WooCommerce attribute filters are well supported. For example when people filter by black, they will see a list of all black variation products.
Most fashion shops only want to show their different color variations, but not size variations. This plugin is the only one where you can exclude for example the size attribute to not show in your product categories.
In addition you can exclude variable products, single variations or complete product categories with ease. A simple, but intuitive admin panel gives you the opportunity to turn variable products into variations with just a few clicks.
Features of the plugin:
Single variations. Instead of just showing the main variable product, show all variations directly inside your shop & category pages.
Exclusions. Exclude categories, variable products or variations with ease directly in the settings panel.
Dynamic variation titles. Most plugins simply show variations title as product name + attribute value. Our plugin allows a dynamic title settings where you can use the attribute name e.g. T-Shirt in Color Black and Size 40.
Custom variation titles. Set a custom title for each single variation to drive more SEO traffic.
WooCommerce filter support. Default WooCommerce filter widget, subcategory count and other features are supported by our plugin.
Hide parent / variable products. Hide the main parent product if variations exist.
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Updated History
21 October 2021 WooCommerce Show Variations as Single Products 1.3.19
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