WooCommerce Notification | Boost Your Sales v1.4.7

Download WooCommerce Notification | Boost Your Sales – Live Feed Sales CodeCanyon 16586926
WooCommerce Notification displays recent orders on your storefront. It’s the online equivalent of a busy store, and shows prospective customers that other people are buying your products.
- Increase conversion rate by highlighting other customers that have bought products.
- Display orders in real time for buyer validation and social proof!
- Create a sense of urgency for visitors, and expose new products!
DISPLAY RECENT ORDERS: The plugin takes information from recent orders of WooCommerce to display.
- Select orders to display: You can choose to display Complete, Processing, On hold, Canceled, Refunded, Pending payment or Failed orders.
- Order Time: Select a time and display orders from that time until now.
- Exclude Products: Avoid the products you don’t want to appear on notifications.
CREATE FAKE ORDERS: you want to increase the sale of some specific products? You want to introduce some new product to customers? The plugin may help you with the fake orders feature.
- Create orders for selected products: Select some products and put in needed information. The plugin will create fake orders of the selected products.
- Create orders for selected categories: If your store has too many products to select manually. This function will help you to selects products to create fake orders by products.
- Create orders with latest products: Create fake orders for the newest products. Help you to introduce new products to customers.
- Auto detects address: Auto detect customer address via IP (city, country) and create fake orders near them.
- Random purchase time: The plugin select a purchase time randomly between a time threshold selected by you.
- Virtual customer’s first name and address: Type in customers first name and address as you want. The plugin will mix it with Selected products/Selected categories/Latest products and a random purchase time to create faker orders.
MULTI MESSAGES: you can add and configure as many messages as you want. Each message will be displayed on a different single pop up.
- Shortcodes: Use the shortcodes to configure your messages. The system will take off this information from your orders or create automatically.
{first_name} – Customer’s first name
{city} – Customer’s city
{state} – Customer’s state
{country} – Customer’s country
{product} – Product title
{product_with_link} – Product title with link to single product page
{time_ago} – Time after purchase
{custom} – Use custom shortcode - States for addresses in the USA: with the shortcode for states, now you can display addresses in the USA correctly.
Example: Someone in Chicago, Illinois, USA just purchased a Woo Notification.
UNLIMITED DESIGN: WooCommer Notification plugin provides unlimited options to help you configure the notifications as you want.
- Configure the color of text, product name, and background.
- Available 4 pop-up positions, 2 product image positions.
- Enable/Disable the Close icon.
- Tens of appear and disappear effect.
- Sound effect when pop-ups appear.
- Add your own custom CSS.
- Select the product image size, 3 options to choose.
- Clickable product image: Product images on pop up are now clickable. It will redirect to the single product page.
- Display current product or products in the same category: plugin will display the product customers are viewing or products in the same category.
- Assign pages: Enable/Disable the plugin on Homepage/Checkout page/Cart page in settings. Other pages can be assigned with conditional tags.
- Show Notification from specific pages: You can use “conditional tags” option to show notification on a particular page depending on what conditions that page matches. Simply indicate ID or title of the page that you want to show notification. For Example, is_page(50) or is_page( array(50, 75) ) with page what IDs are 50 and 75 .
- Set time to display notification, delay time showing, loop time.
- Works on mobile: The plugin works perfectly on mobile and responsive devices.
- Save Logs: Save logs helps system stores information when visitors click on the notification. Then admin site could be a statistic of number clicks and analysis fluctuation sales. Report system allows to statistic number clicks by date or by product.
- See users interact with your notifications in real time: with featured save logs, admin site will learn more about attitudes and behavior of customer for product shown on the notification.
- Auto update: with purchase code from Envato you can set the plugin to auto-update.
- SPEED: By using Ajax technology notifications will be loaded after site load. The plugin won’t affect the loading speed of your site.
- Easy to use: The plugin is designed with friendly interface. It takes only a few minutes to set up with optimal default settings.
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Updated History
Jun 7, 2022 - WooCommerce Notification | Boost Your Sales v1.4.7
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