WooCommerce Multisite Product Sync v2.0.0

Download WooCommerce Multisite Product Sync Nulled Free CodeCanyon 20137238 Big Thanks To @harrychristian
WooCommerce Multisite Product Sync plugin is the perfect solution for sync products (simple, grouped, virtual, downloadable, external/affiliate and variable) in your WordPress Multisite Network.
Types of WordPress Multisite Network
- Multi-domains. For example: example.site1, example.site2
- Sub-domains. For example: site1.example.com, site2.example.com
- Sub-directories. For example: example.com/site1, example.com/site2
- Auto sync simple products.
- Auto sync grouped products.
- Auto sync virtual products.
- Auto sync downloadable products.
- Auto sync external/affiliate products.
- Auto sync variable products.
- Auto sync product data (general, inventory, shipping, linked products, attributes, variations and advanced).
- Auto sync product categories, tags and custom taxonomy.
- Auto sync product media (featured image, gallery, downloadable files, etc…)
- All sites option: It will sync auto products in all the sites.
- Main site to sub sites option: It will sync auto products in main site to sub sites.
- Sub site to main site: It will sync auto products in sub sites to main site.
- Disable sync option: Disable sync when create/update product.
- Stock sync option: Enable/Disable stock sync.
- Sync On Product Delete option: Automatically delete product in destination web sites when trash product on source web site.
- Exclude Product Meta Data option: Exclude product meta data when syncing with web sites.
- Bulk sync products (simple, grouped, virtual, downloadable, external/affiliate and variable) from one site to the other sites.
- Also, support custom fields which is in products (simple, grouped, virtual, downloadable, external/affiliate and variable ).
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Updated History
Nov 4, 2021 - WooCommerce Multisite Product Sync v2.0.0
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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