WooCommerce Customers Manager 29.0 NULLED

WCCM is a WordPress Plugin from vanquish developers that expands your WooCommerce installation allowing you to easily retrieve all customers stats, personal data, import, export, guests conversion, etc… and many more features!
CUSTOMER DETAILS, ORDERS AND PRODUCTS STATS. In the Customer Detail Page you can quickly retrieve customer personal data (like billing and shipping addresses, name, surname, phone…) and all orders (and associated products) made by user in a given time range.
In this view you will find clean and nice visual charts that lets you easily find the most purchased products, amounts spent per time rage and amount spent per order for every single customer. Time range can be specified by user.
WCCM moreover can help you to easily discover most “worthy” customers of all time or for a given time range. WCCM can give you right information to help you in tailoring special coupons for your customers.
BLACKLIST CUSTOMERS. Do you wish to prevent particular user to buy products from your store? You can! Just assign the special Blocked Customer user role added by the plugin to the user you wish to blacklist and they won’t be able to purchase any product from your store any more!
To assign an user role you can just edit the customer profile or use the special role assigner tool on the customers list page!
ADD, DELETE OR EDIT ANY CUSTOMER META! View, edit or delete any customer meta data! to do that, just click on the View / Edit meta data button you will find in the customer details page.
CUSTOM NOTES, EMAILS AND BULK EMAILS! For every customer you can add custom notes or send emails directly from the Customer Details Page. Shop admin can also send bulk emails selecting customers from customers list. Email editor has inbuilt tiny MCE editor!
IMPORT CUSTOMERS LIST. You can easily import customers list from a .csv file. Large file (more than 5000 rows) are supported.
Furthermore, is also possible to send notification emails with customer login info (useful when system is generating random passwords if none is settled in the csv file).
IMPROVED PERFORMANCE. Export, import and manage customer list with more than 5000+ users without any problem. However note that the computations performed by the plugin in order to elaborate customers data and stats doesn’t come at zero cost. So if you are using large datasets make sure to be properly equipped with the right server hardware and resources (like dedicated hosting services).
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Updated History
31 August 2022 WooCommerce Customers Manager 29.0 NULLED
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)