Web Slide – Responsive Mega Menu CSS, HTML Dropdown Menu v5.5

Sales Page: https://codecanyon.net/item/web-slide-responsive-mega-menu/10328032
Demo Page: https://uxwing.com/webslide/
NOTE: This is the HTML Version. There is a Bootstrap version from another Babiato link below @ https://babiato.org/resources/web-slide-responsive-mega-menu-for-bootstrap-3.7301/
- Well designed UI
- Easy to use and customizable
- Understandable well-written code
- Unique CSS3 animation Effects
- Sidebar mobile menu
- The mobile app style looks and feels
- One code for desktop and mobile device
- Colors and gradients option
- Lightweight code without image
- Fully responsive mega menu
- Sticky mega menu option
- Stretchable mega menu
- One page website menu
- RTL supported
- Step by the step Installation guide
- Ecommerce mega menu option
- Menu overlay option
- Single page two mega menus
- Supported any framework
- Sticky header mega menu
- Multi-level dropdown menu
- Accordion-style menu sidebar menu
- On hover and click mega menu
- Off-canvas menu
- Fully stretchable menu links
- Two off-canvas menu option
- Off-canvas anchor link menu
- Full-screen menu
- Mobile sidebar menu
- Hamburger menu CSS responsive
- Pure CSS responsive menu dropdown
- Mobile slide-down toggle menu
- Supports major browsers
- Fully vector icons
- Free future updates
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Jun 1, 2022 - Web Slide - Responsive Mega Menu CSS, HTML Dropdown Menu v5.5
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)