Virtual Assistant for WordPress – build your own Google Now, Siri or Cortana. v2.3.3

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Virtual Assistant, Voice command for WordPress, build your own Google Now, Siri or Cortana.
Features List
- Unlimited Voice Commands you can create for Virtual Assistant.
- Speech: make your blog speak
- Scroll down, up, middle, top, bottom, to element, to position you want
- Go to any link as popup, new tab.. with custom param (You can search with google, instagram, etc…)
- Click to any element on your page
- What time is it?
- Work in Back-end & Front-end
- Go to create new Post or Page, Product, Tags, Categories etc…
- Add product to cart (Woocommerce)
- Advanced Custom Activity: You can do any want with custom javascript
- Insert Title by command voice
- Insert Content post command voice
- Insert Tags
- Insert Categories
- Find end install plugin
- Etc…
- Support almost language in this planet
- And more features what you want, just tell us.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Dec 15, 2021 - Virtual Assistant for Wordpress - build your own Google Now, Siri or Cortana. v2.3.3
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)