Video Blogster Pro – import YouTube videos to WordPress. Also DailyMotion, Spotify, Vimeo, more v4.8

Download Video Blogster Pro – import YouTube videos to WordPress. Also DailyMotion, Spotify, Vimeo 9497256 Nulled Free
Import content from video and music sites into WordPress for unlimited amounts of fresh search engine food to update your niche blog all day, every day.
Each Video Blogster feed is a query for a channel, playlist, keyphrase, etc. that is sent to the media site’s API. The API returns the results of the query, and Video Blogster creates a WordPress post for each item returned, including comments, tags, categories, statistics and it even imports the featured image. Your theme handles the rest.
These Video Blogster feeds can be scheduled to run in the background to continually look for new video content, letting your site build itself automatically.
Yes, Video Blogster includes advanced processing, so you can spin content, translate languages, remove text or links, have full control of the content layout, and more. You can save as any user, any post type, any status, any format, and any taxonomy.
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Updated History
Feb 1, 2022 - Video Blogster Pro - import YouTube videos to WordPress. Also DailyMotion, Spotify, Vimeo, more v4.8
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