User Extra Fields 16.0 NULLED

User Extra Field WordPress Plugin from vanquish developers enhances your WordPress installation by allowing to associate extra user profile fields for registered users. Fields can be optionally showed on the register page, account page and more! WordPress User Extra Field plugin is also WooCommerce, BuddyPress and WPML compatible.
FILE UPLOAD. With the file extra field, you can let you users/customers to attach files to their profile! This can be done during registration process or even during WooCommerce checkout process! Site admin can also limit file size and file types allowed to upload. Any file of any size can be uploaded! Give a try on the demo site!
VISIBILITY ACCORDING USER ROLE. Would you like to show extra fields only for some user roles? you can! just enable the special option while configuring the field!
USER PROFILE EDIT PAGE. WPUEF extends the user profile page adding the extra fields created. In this way every user (or site admin) can edit his info.
WPML COMPATIBLE. WPUEF is wpml compatible. Create as many fields you want, then translate labels and description using the WPML -> String translation menu
WOOCOMMERCE COMPATIBLE. WPUEF supports WooCommerce. Automatically adds extra field on the registration (optionally can be hidden).
Your customers, by default, will be able to edit extra fields on their “My Account” page but, optionally, the Shop admin can configure every field to be editable only in “Shipping Address” or “Billing Address” edit pages!
Furthermore, Shop admin can also trace this extra info directly on the backend order detais page.
Infact WPUEF adds a new meta box containing the extra user fields box next the customer info box. In this way you can have all the user and order infos under controll in one place!
In addition, every extra field can be optionally (or ONLY) displayed and edited also on the Checkout page. This can be usefull during user registration on checkout step. Note however that Extra fields will not be showed if the guest checkout option is enabled. In this case fields will be automatically displayed only if the ‘create account’ checkbox is checked by the user.
The admin can also display two custom HTML snippets before and after the checkout extra fields form. Go to Settings -> Extra fields menu to configure those fields.
BUDDYPRESS COMPATIBLE. WPUEF is BuddyPress compatible. This means that fields are automatically added in the user register page (optionally can be hidden to be diplayed in that page) and will be public viable in the user profile. Every user can edit those extra fields using their own edit profile page.
FIELDS CAN BE EDITABLE ONLY BY ADMIN. Shop admin can choose to create fields to be editable only by him and visible on user profile page
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Updated History
17 March 2022 User Extra Fields 16.0 NULLED
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)