Ultimate Member MailChimp Addon v.2.4.1

This extension integrates MailChimp with Ultimate Member and allows users to subscribe to your mailing lists when they register on your site.
Key Features
- Automatically add users to a MailChimp list when they register.
- Allow users to opt-in to subcribing to a MailChimp list when they register.
- Add multiple lists to register form and allow users to select which lists they subscribe to.
- Show different lists on different register forms.
- Sync user meta with MailChimp list.
- Allow users to subscribe/unsubcribe from their account page.
- Restrict lists to certain roles (Only roles that can subscribe/unsubcribe to a list will see it on their account page).
No tutorial yet
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Aug 22, 2022 - Ultimate Member MailChimp Addon v.2.4.0
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)