Tax Exempt for WooCommerce v1.5.5

Download Tax Exempt for WooCommerce Nulled Fee Premium Extensions
WooCommerce Tax Exempt provides you a proper system through which you can give tax exemption to selected customers and user roles.
You can enable a customizable tax exemption form on My Account page to let customers submit the required files and other information to claim tax exemption. The store admin can review the submitted info and reject or grant the tax exemption requests from backoffice.
Once the tax exemption is granted, a checkbox is displayed on the checkout page to let customers claim the tax exemption. The tax exemption details are displayed in order detail pages.
The store admin can also tax-exempt selected customers from BackOffice. These exempted customers may or may not upload any tax information but still, they will be able to claim the tax exemption just like the other customers who have uploaded the tax files and claimed tax exemption.
Full Features List of WooCommerce Tax Exempt:
- Allow all or selected user roles to claim tax exemption
- Display tax exemption form in “my account”
- Customize form fields
- Display tax exemption status in “my account” – pending, rejected or approved
- The store admin can review tax exemption requests from the back-office users’ section.
- The store admin can approve/disapprove tax exemption requests
- Add expiry date for tax exemption
- Email notifications for admin when the tax exemption form is submitted
- Email notification for customers on approval & rejection of tax exemption requests
- Display tax exemption detail in admin order detail page, customers order detail page, and order email
- Admin can grand tax exemption status to selected customers from the back-office (no need to submit tax info)
- Allow guest users to claim tax exemption
- Customize notification messages
Add tax exempt checkbox on checkout
Once a customer is approved to claim tax exemption, a checkbox is displayed on the checkout page. While placing an order the customer can select the checkbox to remove the tax from the order amount.
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Updated History
Dec 18, 2021 - Tax Exempt for WooCommerce v1.5.3
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)