Super Interactive Maps – WordPress Plugin v2.3

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Super Interactive Maps is a fully-featured WordPress Plugin integrated with Google Geochart API that allows you to create maps of country, continent and regions. Create custom markers on top of your map to show location of interest such as hotel, cafes, airport and others. You can add interactivity to your map such as displaying interactive tooltips, lightbox window or linking to a web page content.
This is a responsive plugin and fully compatible with the latest WordPress version and Visual Composer.
Main Features
- Includes over 300 maps all in a one plugin
- All 195 countries world-wide included
- Easily create SVG and vector maps on your WordPress site
- Fully responsive and works on all mobile devices (cross device and browser compatible)
- Vector Maps of World Map, Continent or Subcontinent including Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, South America, and Americas
- Vector Maps of India, China, Turkey, Romania, Japan, Spain, Italy, France, Canada, Germany, UAE, Syria, Iceland, Poland, Malaysia, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Nepal, UK, US, Russia and all countries included
- Vector Maps of all countries divided by regions
- Autocomplete Search to easily add locations
- Pin point to the exact location using the drag and drop marker feature (Admin integrated with Google Maps API)
- Customizable map designs, styles and colors
- Choose your display styles (Regions, Markers or Text Labels)
- Interactive responsive lightbox popup to showcase rich content such as text, images and videos
- Add interactive tooltip to maps
- Zoom and Pan your map display
- Display custom map markers on your map
- Post shortcodes anywhere on your website including posts, pages and sidebar widgets.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
May 24, 2022 - Super Interactive Maps - WordPress Plugin v2.3
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)