Slippa – Domains,Website ,App & Social Media Marketplace PHP Script V3.7

Download Slippa – Domains & Website Marketplace PHP Script Nulled Free CodeCanyon 26578548
Slippa Marketplace currently supports Selling Domains, Websites & Online Businesses. Admin can easily customize all features of the marketplace through the admin panel itself therefore no programming skills are required. Slippa has many features that leading digital marketplaces does such as Domain Ownership verification, Real Time Google Analytics Reports, User Email Notifications for all user activities, fully functional Bidding System, Chat/Message System and etc.
Slippa enables its owner to create a marketplace where buyers can Sign up and list their domains, websites or online businesses. Then sellers can buy these digital products from the marketplace, Site Owner will receive a commission from each success sale. This success fee commission can be controlled by the site admin. Furthermore admin also has ability to charge from the buyers when they do list their services on the marketplace.
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Updated History
Aug 15, 2022 - Slippa - Domains,Website ,App & Social Media Marketplace PHP Script V3.6
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