SchoolMate – Complete School and College ERP solution 27 April 20

Download SchoolMate – Complete School and College ERP solution Nulled Free ThemeForest 26383109
Features Of SchoolMate Software :- Student Management: Student management system helps in keeping track of student registration process. A user can add, modify or view modules intended to ease registration and identify student’s background during the admission procedure.
Staff Management: Staff management system helps in keeping track of staff registration process. A user can add, modify or view modules.
Library Management: Enables a user to maintain the book list with the date of it being issued and date of it when the book is returned.Its have Bar-code Facility also.
Payroll Management: It helps in maintaining the payroll for the staff.
Notifications and Alerts: Students, teachers, staff, etc. Are informed of various activities and happenings through email/sms alerts.
Timetable Management: School timetable software enables a user to set the time table as For the Exams.
Hostel Management: Hostel management system enables the feature of managing the school students living in the school premises i.e. Hostel, school management system manages the hostel activities of Hosteler’s Students.
Attendance Management: School attendance management system track the daily attendance of the students and Staffs and sort out the list of students coming under requirement list of attendance.
Examination Management: Make it easy to examine the students and record the results of students easily and Also Prints Attractive Mark sheet and Grade Sheet .
Import Bulk Data From Excel: you can Easiliy Import bulk Data(Students and Employees) From Excel and Export Bulk Data from Application to Excel Sheet also ….!!!!
Reports Management: This module allows a user to generate very Attractive reports which maybe designed specifically to supply the needs of the institution.
Main Features are:
- Master Entry :
- School Types Entry
- School Entry
- Class Type Entry
- Class Entry
- Section Entry
- Class Sections Entry
- Sessions Entry
- Employees Department Entry
- Designations Entry
- Fee Types Entry
- School Fees Entry
- Bus Entry
- Location Entry
- Bus Intallments Entry
- Hostel Entry
- Hostel Installments
- Grading Levels Entry
- Exams Entry
- Book Suppliers Entry
- Books Classifications Entry
- Books Category Entry
- Books Sub Category Entry
- Books Entry
- Book Suppliers Entry
- Journal’s and Magazines Entry
- Student Documents Entry
- Student Registrations
- Student Discounts Entry
- Student Hostelers Entry
- Students BusHolder Entry
- Students Attendance Entry
- Student’s Class Promotions Entry
- Employee Bus Holders
- Employee Discount’s
- Employee Attendance
- Employee Salary Payments
- Employee Salary Payment Attractive Receipts
Library Management:
- Books Fine Setting
- Books Reservations
- Books Issue
- Books Return
- Journal and Magazines Billings
- Exam Schedule
- Final Marks Entry
- Mark sheets Printing
- Grade Sheets Printing
- Marks Ledger
- School Fees Payment
- Bus Fees Payment By Students
- Bus Fees Payment By Staff
- Hostel Fees Payment
- Fees Payment Attractive Receipts
Bar code Generators:
- Random Bar code Generator
- Books Bar code Generator
Reports (Using Crystal Report)
- Student Report
- Employee Report
- Books Reservations Report
- Fees Due List Reports :-
- School Fees
- Bus Fees
- Hostel Fees
- Books Issue Report Students
- Books Issue Report Staff
- Books Fine Collection From Student
- Books Fine Collection From Staff
- Bus Fees Payment Report
- Salary Report
- Student Marks Report
- Student Grade Report
- Identity Cards of Students
Advance Record Searching:
- Student List
- Employee List
- Hostellers List
- Books List
- Books Issue
- Book Return List
- Fees Due List For :-
- School Fees
- Bus Fees
- Hostel Fees
- School Fees Payment List
- Salary Payment Records
- Hostel Fees Payment List
- Bus Fees Payment List Student’s
- Bus Fees Payment List Staff’s
- Employee Advance Payment List
- Employee Salary Payment List
- Books Suppliers List
- Books Reservations List of Staff
- Books Issued List of Students
- Books Issued List of Staff
- Books Return List of Students
- Books Return List of Staff
- Subjects List
- Exam Schedule List
- Result List
Other Features:
- Power Full User Rights Management System
- SMS Feature is Available
- Import Bulk Data From Excel
- Email Feature
- Logs maintain facility
- Database Backup option
- Database Recovery option
- Change Password
- Password Recovery
Login Information:
- For Admin:
- User Type – Admin
- User Name – admin
- Password – 12345
No tutorial yet
Updated History
May 5, 2021 - SchoolMate - Complete School and College ERP solution 27 April 20
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)