Revolution Lightbox WordPress Plugin v2.0

Download Free Revolution Lightbox WordPress Plugin Premium Nulled CodeCanyon 18451521
Revolution Lightbox WordPress Plugin is a full blown multimedia responsive lightbox that runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, iOS, Androidand Windows8. It has support for image, video (mp4), audio (mp3), Vimeo, YouTube, iFrame, AJAX, HTML content, Google maps and flash.
Revolution Lightbox has high performance using OOP code and the latest CSS3techniques, ready for mobile with swipe support, very flexible, easy to setup and extremely customizable. The playlists / content can be created using admin pannel or JSON.
Packed with a huge amount of features like, responsive layout, the possibility to be showed from anywhere in your page including from dynamic generated content, optional deeplinking, mp3 and mp4 support on all mobile and desktop browsers, JSONor Shortcode generator playlists, flexible skin, share buttons etc, it makes it one of the best and complete lightbox available on sale.
Revolution Lighbox WordPress Plugin main features:
Mobile and desktop optimized (Android demo or iOS demo).
Very easy to use and setup.
Support for Image, Ajax, HTML content, Google maps, flash Youtube, Vimeo, video and audio (only mp3 or mp4 required in all browsers mobile or desktop).
It can be opened from anywhere in your page including from dynamic generated HTML content.
Sortcode generator.
The playlists / content can be created using amin pannel or JSON
Customizable theme, plus two skins with psd files included.
Customizable lightbox item border size, color, dropshadow and other visual settings can be configured with ease.
Optional deeplinking (unique link for each lightbox item).
Modal mode support (can be closed only if the close button is used).
Swipe support for mobile devices and optional keyboard support for desktop.
All buttons are optional and can be positioned near or outside the current lightbox item, plus fine tune control for the buttons position.
Responsive layout.
Optional video and lightbox autoHide buttons, the buttons can be set to autohide after a number of seconds of inactivity.
Optional and customizable thumbnails. The thumbnails size, hover effect, hover custom icons, border and other settings.
Optional description window with two type of animation effects that can be positioned at the top or bottom of the lightbox item.
Close button (optional).
Image zoom button with image pan support (optional).
Slideshow button and slideshow animated preloader plus customizable slideshow time delay (optional).
Multiple share buttons (optional).
Next and previous buttons (optional).
Hide or show thumbnails button (optional).
Video / audio / slideshow loop and autoplay (optional).
API support.
Detailed documentation and sample files.
Many other features.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Jun 27, 2021 - Revolution Lightbox Wordpress Plugin v2.0
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