Real-Time Messenger (websocket) & Music Plugin for WoWonder Social Network (Free audio/video calls)

Download Real-Time Messenger (websocket) & Music Plugin for WoWonder Social Network 23072679
Websocket Messenger for the social network WoWonder. This plugin will allows users to make free audio/video calls, to send/receives messages in real-time.
- Messenger shortcut & Messenger standalone. Its very easy for users to send messages just open a fixed shortcut. (abillity to open many shortcuts)
- Media. Users can send pictures and screenshots just by using keyboard shortcut CTRL + V
- Chat color. Ability to change chat colors.
- Nicknames. Ability to change/add/remove a nickname for the recipient and vice-versa.
- Location. The users can share easily their location, by pressing Share location button.
- Emojis. A powerfull list of emojis. Ability to see your recent used emojis. Filter emojis by categories.
- GIF. Search/send gifs.
- Stickers. Stickers module allows to users to search stickers and send in conversation. Also the administrator of site can manage very easily the stickers packages (add new stickers/remove stickers). You can see a live demo by clicking on this link.
- Voice Clips. Users can send/receive voice clips very simple just by holding on the button record voice clips.
- Delete messages. This feature allow users to delete their messages. Also the feature allow to delete the messages in both sides for the sender and receiver.
- Delete conversation. This function is not simple. When a user delete a conversation, the respective conversation just disapear for respective user but not disapear for the recipient. The whole conversation are deleted from database when the recipient also delete it.
- Search. The messenger goes with a amazing feature that allows users to search in conversation and abillity to move up/down the search result.
- Online. The messenger shows the online followers in the Online Tab.
- Search followers/conversations. Users can search for their old conversations or followers to start a new conversation.
- Attachments. In messenger you can find simple all attachments from the conversation in Attchaments tab.
- Live Typing. Typing feature works like lighting, when the recipient just press down the button, the user its automatically notified.
- Instantly arriving. All the messages arriving are instantly 1 second. When the recipient press ENTER the message is show up for the user like lighting in less than a second. Many thanks to the Node.js server.
- Previous messages. Ability to load previous messages in shortcut & messenger.
- Group. Messages are grouped by datetime.
- Multi-files upload. Upload multiple files at the same time. The files are uploaded one by one to keep up the server.
- Arriving. When the user receive a new message a new contact is automatically prepended to the list of contacts. If the user is not in messenger then a new shortcut is automatically created.
- Read/unread. The messages are market with read icon only when the user really view the new message.
- Contacts. Ability to load more contacts on scroll down in messenger.
- … and much more in the demo
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Updated History
May 9, 2022 - Real-Time Messenger (websocket) & Music Plugin for WoWonder Social Network (Free audio/video calls) v1.51
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)