Prometheus User Submitted Content Plugin for WordPress v2.5.0.1 Nulled

Prometheus is a Titan in Greek mythology, best known as the deity who was the creator of mankind and its greatest benefactor, who stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to us.
Same as the Titan Prometheus, this plugin will give your website’s visitors the gift of submitting their own posts and content.
What Can You Do With This Plugin?
Prometheus User Submitted Content adds a front end form using a simple shortcode that enables your visitors to submit posts and upload files or images. Prometheus User Submitted Content WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool to make user post submission extremely simple.
- Do you want to allow users to submit posts to your website?
- Do you want to define strict rules for these submissions?
- Do you want to ban users that do not comply with your specifications?
- Do you want to allow users to submit images?
- Do you want to put your users in full control of their submitted post?
- Do you want to get email messages every time a new post got submitted?
- Do you want to view statistics about submitted posts?
- No problem!
The Form can include the following:
- User Name
- Email Address
- User URL
- Post Title
- Post Tags
- Post Category
- Post Content
- Simple Captcha or Secret Question
- Post Excerpt
- Enable Comments Selection
- Enable Pings Selection
- Post Password
- Post Format Selection
- Post/Page Selection
- Image/File Uploader
- Add custom taxonomies to submitted posts
- Google ReCaptcha
Plugin features
- Include a shortcode that will add the submission form anywhere on your website: posts, pages, widgets, template
- Define a wide range of rules regarding how the user submission form is configured
- Define a wide range of constrains regarding user submissions
- View Statistics about user submitted posts
- Translate plugin in any language you want, or simply modify any outputed string as you like
- Moderate submitted posts or publish them immediately
- Add required/banned words list for submitted article’s title/content
- Track your submitters by IP Address, User Agent and Referrer
- Ban users that break your rules
- Allow only a predefined list of users to submit posts
- Receive Email alerts every time a new post gets submitted
- Get protected against spam bots
- Curse Words Filtering – censor unwanted content
- And many, many other features…
- Not enough features for you? This plugin is also fully mobile compatible, is translations ready, is optimized for speed – has no speed impact and benefits of lifetime updates and support.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Aug 15, 2021 - Prometheus User Submitted Content Plugin for WordPress v2.5.0.1 Nulled
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)