Product Import Export Plugin For WooCommerce – WebToffee 3.8.3 Nulled
Export to or Import Products from CSV/XML
Provisions for quick export/import from DB, based on a pre-saved mapping or a new export with advanced options. Process data in batches ensuring successful import/export.
Scheduled Import or Export using multiple FTP/URL
Multiple FTP Profiles or Scheduling options included. Dedicated FTP profile settings to manage and manipulate scheduled import/export.
Supports multiple product types
The plugin facilitates the import/export of multiple product types including simple products, variable products, group products, external products, custom, etc.
Compatible with major 3rd-party plugins
Compatible with WooCommerce Product Bundles, Yoast WooCommerce SEO, Woocommerce Cost of Goods, Advanced Custom Fields, WPML, Polylang, etc.
Simple Ajax interface and flexible API
User-friendly interface for better import/export experience. Easy drag and drop mapping columns provisions embedded within different categories.
Several filter options for custom import/export
Filter products in different ways to obtain custom import/export with provisions to include images, variations, and metadata.
Detailed History, Debug logs, Cron Schedules
History, debug logs, and Cron schedules for recording success/failure of processes, troubleshooting, and for viewing all scheduled and completed actions.
Effortless to&fro Migration
Export/import products including images, categories, custom metadata, etc. from one website to the other with the help of a CSV or XML file.
Provision for Bulk Edit
Make changes merge or update additional product information to existing products before or during the import/export.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Feb 20, 2021 - Product Import Export Plugin For WooCommerce - WebToffee 3.8.3 Nulled
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