Patrios – WordPress Crowdfunding Theme to Create a Fundraising Site v1.2.0 Nulled

Thanks to @TassieNZ for sharing the theme file.
Advanced WordPress crowdfunding theme to
kickstart your own fundraising platform
Want to raise funds for your project, startup, nonprofit organization, charity or NGO? Build a crowdfunding
website with Patrios. It’s a complete fundraising solution on WordPress. This standalone WordPress
crowdfunding theme offers rich and advanced functionalities for smoother operations.
Powered by WP Crowdfunding
Patrios lets you create websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo using the powerful WP Crowdfunding plugin. Being based on WooCommerce, it helps you accept and manage funds from backers. WP Crowdfunding, the most popular WordPress crowdfunding plugin powers Patrios.
- Fund Manager
- WooCommerce Based
- Project Rewards
- Stats & Reports
Frontend Operations
Let the people do everything on the frontend. From user registration to project submission, everything is possible on the frontend. The users don’t require any backend access. They can add, update, modify, and manage their campaigns on an easy and friendly interface. Track campaigns, know statistics, and see a summary right on the frontend.
- No backend access required for users
- Operate campaigns on frontend
- Check statistics and see the summary
WP Page Builder Pro
This fundraising WordPress theme can be turned into any site similar to GoFundMe. With the in-packaged WP Page Builder Pro, you can create and modify web pages live on the frontend. Utilize different design elements of powerful WP Page Builder Pro to bring an outstanding fundraising website.
- 30+ addons
- Page layouts
- Design blocks
This theme was shared by @TassieNZ.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Dec 8, 2021 - Patrios - WordPress Crowdfunding Theme to Create a Fundraising Site v1.2.0 Nulled
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)