Ouride – the best delivery apps 2020-05-21
Costumer App | Driver App | Merchant App |
Admin Panel | ||
Change Log:
03 March 2020
[NEW] New release
18 March 2020
[new] Paypal in android
[new] manual topup and withdraw in admin panel
[new] realtime tracking driver in admin panel
[new] app revenue valuation in admin panel
[new] discount spent valuation
27 April 2020
[new] feature food
[new] feature medic
[new] feature shop
[new] feature grocery
[new] merchant app
[fix] send issue
[fix] demo admin issue
[fix] topup driver issue
[fix] register driver issue
[fix] app revenue calculation in admin panel
[update] documentation
5 Mei 2020
[fix] SSL Certificate issue
No tutorial yet
Updated History
May 21, 2020 - Ouride - the best delivery apps 2020-05-21
May 21, 2020 - Ouride - the best delivery apps 2020-05-21
May 21, 2020 - Ouride - the best delivery apps 2020-05-21
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