Messenger Bot Enhancers : A XeroChat Add-On v1.6.3

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Messenger Checkbox Plugin : Include the checkbox plugin in forms on your website to allow people to opt-in to receive messages from you on Messenger. This is useful for providing follow-up at a later time, such as confirmations and updates. This plugin only works in HTTPS websites.
Send to Messenger Plugin : The send to Messenger plugin renders a button on your website that allows a person to opt-in to receive messages from you on Messenger. This is useful for providing follow-up at a later time, such as confirmations and updates. This plugin only works in HTTPS websites. Link & QR Code : is a shortened URL service operated by Facebook that redirects users to a person, page, or bot in Messenger. You can use them on your website, email newsletters, and more. The link for your bot allows you to link people directly to your Messenger bot. When the link is clicked, a conversation is automatically opened on or in the Messenger mobile app.
Customer Chat Plugin : The customer chat plugin allows you to integrate your Messenger experience directly into your website. This allows your customers to interact with your business anytime with the same personalized, rich-media experience they get in Messenger.
24H Promo Message : Pages are permitted to send promotional message to subscribers, those has sent message to your page in last 24 hours. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds to a business through one of the eligible actions listed in messenger conversation entry points. The targeted subscribers may be less than real count because eligible subscriber calculation algorithm of our system has been implemented by using 23 hours time frame and avoid risk.
Non-promo Message(outside 24H window ) : You can send non-promo message as much as you want to all your subscribers using on of the tag listed here. Use broadcasting with message tag carefully. Message must not contain any advertisement or promotional material & use appropriate tag that`s is applicable for sending message to those people. Using message tag without proper reason may result in block your page`s messaging option by Facebook.
Sequence messaging is a marketing strategy that sends, or "drips," a pre-written set of messages to messenger bot subscribers over time. This feature can send 24H promo and non-promotional with tag message sequence to messenger bot subscribers. It uses BOT API for sending message. The subscribers will be assigned under your sequence campaign automatically based on their entry point (engagement plugins) or post-back click. However, you can also assign manually or change the campaign. 24H promo campaign can be set at 30 min, 1 hour to 23 hours and non-promotional campaign can be set at day 1 to day 30.
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Updated History
Jun 10, 2021 - Messenger Bot Enhancers : A XeroChat Add-On v1.6.3
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