Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer WordPress Plugin v3.0

Download Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer WordPress Plugin Nulled Free CodeCanyon 19478004
Rich-feature and unique tool for WordPress and WooCommerce that allows to display and zoom/scale large images/products (high-resolution images, e.g. clothes, cars, maps, technical schemes, etc) with unparalleled control and features.
Specially made to display large-quality images with great details, allowing to zoom and pan an image, add markers/hotspots and more…
Main features
owerfull image zoomer & viewer – Rich-feature and unique tool that allows to display and zoom/scale large images/products (high-resolution images, e.g. clothes, cars, maps, technical schemes, etc) with unparalleled control and features.
Built with Vanila Javascript the zoomer is very fast, it will work in all WordPress Themes and it has no dependencies.
WooCommerce support – MegaZoom & Pan Image Viewer can be included in a WooCommerce product page, all features and settings work exactly like in the WordPress version, there are no restrictions.
Hardware acceleration – The zoomer was specially made to display large-quality images with great details, this is possible using the latest CSS/Javascript techniques to render the image using hardware acceleration for outstanding performance instead of the default browser image rendering.
Responsive layout – Fully responsive and adaptable regardless of which device is used.
Easy to use and install – This plugin is a veteran with more than 14 years in the making, we had enough time to understand our clients and package the best image zoomer!
Mobile and desktop optimized – The zoomer will adapt to any screen size and any device, wheater it is used on your desktop browser or your mobile phone.
Grpahics image .png skin or vector skin – Two included skins with a .png image skin or a vector svg skin 1 or vector svg skin 2, visually the skins look the same. Figma/.fig files included plus video tutorial about how to use the graphics and vector skin.
Unlimited skin design posibilities – Because the zoomer has the option of a graphigs/.png skin there are literally no limitations in the skin design, just replace the .png files used for the skin with your own and create magic example here and video tutorial.
Lazy scrolling or lazy loading – Initialize The zoomer on scroll when it is visible in the page, this way if the zoomer is in a page section that is not visible it will not be initialized, instead it will be initialized only when the user will scroll to that page section.
High image quality – Support for high image quality without losing performance.
Markers or hotspots – Three hotspots types (link, small info window and detailed info window) allowing to display information about the product on specific regions. Once created a hotspot can be used on more then one image.
Deep zooming – When the image is zoomed, markers/hotspots can be added at a spacific scale/zoom and position, and they will appear only when that specific zoom/scale is reached, example here.
Customizable markers or hotspots – The markers or hotspots can be of any size or shape and they can vary, for example if you want to add three link type hotspots each of them can have a different size or graphics, this applies to all markers/hotspots types.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Apr 6, 2021 - Mega Zoom & Pan Image Viewer Wordpress Plugin v3.0
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)