Mailster 3.2.1 NULLED – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

MyMail – the flexible mailing list solution from Codecanyon magazine for WordPress. This WordPress plugin gives you opportunity to create, deliver and track your Newsletter Campaigns without hassle. Let your users be part of a group and email communicate peer to peer without having to log into your site. This extension allows you to run a discussion mailing list. Any mail send to the mailing list email address is forwarded to the rest of the members of the group. When members reply to such emails MyMail again forwards them to the other list recipients.
You choose one email address, no matter if it is located at your own mailing server or at a free email service. The only prerequisite: it is possible to access the mails through one of the standard protocols POP or IMAP. Complete features list:
- Drag & drop. Create campaings in minutes without any coding experience thanks to modern drag & drop live template builder.
- Store & manage. MyMail stores all your subscribers within your WordPress installation. You can manage, edit or segment them inside lists with ease.
- Auto responder. Send automatic auto responder, follow ups, latest posts or birthday greetings.
- Advanced analytics. Track your campaigns, lists and subscribers in real-time. Get in depth statistics and track opens, clicks, unsubscriptions, bounces and much more.
- Mobile ready. MyMail templates are fully responsive and look great on any mobile device.
- Track Countries and Cities.
- Schedule your Campaigns.
- Six types of auto responders.
- Send your latest post to your subscribers.
- Use dynamic and custom Tags (placeholders).
- Webversion for each Newsletter.
- Embed Newsletter with Shortcodes.
- Forward via Email.
- Share with Social Media Services.
- Unlimited Subscription Forms.
- Sidebar Widgets.
- Single or Double-Opt-in support.
- WYSIWYG Editor with code view.
- Unlimited Color Variations.
- Optional Image embedding.
- Automatic Inline Styles.
- Background Image support.
- Quick Preview.
- Multi language ready.
- SMTP support.
- DomainKeys Identified Mail Support.
- Import and Export for Subscribers.
- Retina Ready.
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Updated History
22 September 2022 Mailster 3.2.1 NULLED – Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress
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