Loginizer Premium 1.7.4 NULLED – The best plugin to protect your WordPress website

Loginizer Nulled aims at securing your WordPress websites from all attacks. We at loginizer believe that security is the most important aspect for a website and it should be easy to secure a website for any website owner, hence we work round the clock to craft features that help you achieve that without having to constantly monitor your site.
We are constantly woking hard to add more features and think of ways to protect your site from bruteforce attacks.
Some important features of Loginizer Nulled are listed below:
Brute Force Protection. Blocks IP after max allowed attempts
reCAPTCHA. Integrate Google\’s reCAPTCHA v3/v2 in minutes
MD5 Checksums. All differences of WordPress Core will be reported to the Admin
PasswordLess Login via Email. An email with a temporary login URL
Login Challenge Questions. Users can set secondary challenge questions
Rename wp-admin Area. You can also disable the original wp-admin
2FA via Email. Two-factor authentication codes via email
2FA via Mobile App. Two-factor auth using Google Authenticator, Authy, etc
Rename Login Page. Prevents brute force from bots
Disable / Rename XML-RPC. Simply disable XML-RPC with Loginizer
Prevent Pingbacks. Simply disable Pingbacks with Loginizer
Extended Lockouts. Extended lockouts for abusing IPs
Failed attempts logs. Check logs of failed login attempts
Email Notification. Get an email notification for abusing IPs
Blacklist IPs. Blacklist an IP or IP range from login
Whitelist IPs. Whitelist an IP or IP range from login
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Updated History
15 September 2022 Loginizer Premium 1.7.4 NULLED – The best plugin to protect your WordPress website
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)