Laravel 5.8 Vue.js SPA Bootstrap Admin Starter Kit v2.2
Download Laravel 5.8 Vue.js SPA Bootstrap Admin Starter Kit Nulled CodeCanyon 20516111
Laravel is the most popular PHP framework since since its inception. Vue.js is new but its gaining lots of attention from all over the world since last 2 year. You can generate some awesome apps by combining Laravel & Vue.js.
There are many Laravel+Vue.js starter kit available but none of them are complete enough to get started. Some lacks with basic functionality like authentication, some with sample CRUD module, some with responsive layout etc. I tried to create one starter kit with some basic features like authentication, registration, user profile with a sample task module which is built on latest version of bootstrap.This script can be handy enough for your new Laravel+Vue.js project & will surely speed-up your project development time. If you are working first time on Laravel+Vue.js or learning Vue.js then this is perfect script to get started.
Instead of developing your project from scratch, you can choose to start with our script & use the basic features with few clicks. You will also get a responsive bootstrap 4.1 theme by ( to give awesome experience to you/your clients.
This script will be updated regularily with latest version of framework & plugins. Please share your feedback, feature request which will be surely implemented in upcoming versions.
What does it include?
Here are list which is included in this script:
- Built with Laravel 5.8.*
- Vue.js 2.5.17
- Responsive Bootstrap 4.1.0
- REST Api
- Speed-up development with Laravel Mix-Webpack
- Browser Sync
- Support Sass
- JSON based authentication, Uses tymon/jwt-auth
- Single Page Application (SPA), Uses Vue Router
- Vuex for data flow
- Pagination
- Datepicker
- Content Security Policy
What modules are available with Laravue Starter Kit?
Here are list of pre defined components which is available in this script:
- Autosize Textarea
- Date Range Picker
- File Upload Input
- File Upload Progress
- HTML Editor
- Upload Image
Here are list of modules which is available in this script:
- User Authentication
- Social oAuth
- Reset Password
- User Registration
- User Activation
- Account Approval
- Two Factor Authentication
- Screen Lock
- Login Throttle
- Reset Password Token Lifetime
- Login Lifetime
- Password Strength Meter
- User List
- User Profile
- Change Password
- User Avatar
- Sample Todo Module
- Private Message
- Database Backup
- IP Filter
- Maintenance Mode
- Multilingual
- RTL Support
- Date/Time Format & Timezone
- Activity Log
- Email Log
- Custom Email Templates
- User Roles & Permissions
- Multiple Mail Drivers
- Nexmo SMS Api
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Jul 9, 2019 - Laravel 5.8 Vue.js SPA Bootstrap Admin Starter Kit v2.2
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)