HomeID 1.5.5 – Real Estate WordPress Theme

HomeId theme gracefully presents properties information to website visitors and facilitates real estate business owners by making properties management easier. HomeID is a handcrafted WordPress theme for real estate businesses.
It offers purpose oriented design with all the useful features a real estate website needs.
We already build 8 Pre-homepage demos are available to get you started in seconds. Build website within a seconds as easily as never before. Import whole demo content, and set up your web site to look just like any of our demo examples in One Click Install Demo Data. Features:
1 Click Install Demo Data. Easiest and fastest way to build your website, one click import pages, post…etc. Build website within a seconds as easily as never before. Import whole demo content, and set up your web site to look just like any of our demo examples in one click
Included Premium Plugins. HomeID includes poweful page builder plugin – WPBakery Page Builder ($64 value for free), with ERE shortcode and HomeID shortcode built-in gives you total layout control over pages & posts.
Supported 3 payments method. Already integrate: PAYPAL, STRIPE, WIRE TRANSFER for payment. HomeID have more type for payment: free, pay for package, pay per submission and user can define as their own.
Management System via frontend (for users) and via backend (for admin). HomeID has powerful Front End Listing Submission & Management System, allow users to favorite, submit, manage and edit their listings directly from the frontend with payment support. It provides your agents and clients with an easy way to manage their profile, properties for sale and other settings.
3 Map Services: Google Maps, Mapbox and OpenStreetMap included. Custom built, integration with marker clusters. Enter your house address and Maps gives you hints in drop-down and finds location and Near Places as well.
Advanced Search. Powerful tailor made search utility in HomeID, with drag/drop panel to easily enable, dropdown/slider display, disable and reorder fields.
Favorite Properties. HomeID has Favorite Properties, a user can add a listing to their favorites for viewing or sharing later via the My Listings page from their personal infor box.
Powerful Admin Panel. HomeID has powerful Theme Options and Real Estate Options, plethora of options neatly organized into sections that allow you to build your site without any coding knowledge.
Advanced Typography Options. You can change the overall typography just with some click such as font family, font size, font weight&style.
Full Control of Colors. Choose accent color for your website and it will change sitewide. Also you can easily change colors of each area such as Top Bar, Header, Footer etc.
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Updated History
12 August 2022 HomeID 1.5.5 – Real Estate WordPress Theme
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