Formidable Export View Addon 1.06

Are you searching for a method to move or import form data to another location, or to reuse the same data in several locations?
Perhaps you\’d want to copy material from one page to another or even to a new website. As your company and website develop, you will inevitably need to extend and make use of existing data in other locations. Perhaps you just want to export data to a spreadsheet for future use.
However, how can you do this?
If the prospect of painstakingly transferring everything over fills you with dread, you are far from alone. Nobody likes to deal with bulk data imports or exports.
Not only is this a significant bother and time sink, but it\’s also rife with mistake. Even the most meticulous managers may make errors or typos when it comes to manual data entry. If it is anything simple, such as a blog article, this is readily rectified. However, whether it comes to forms, entries, or Views, the situation is very different.
You may end up with an incorrectly functioning form. When anything goes wrong with your forms, it may have a significant impact on your company. Individuals may be unable to complete forms or even see them at all. Conversion rates may fall precipitously, and with them, revenue.
Can you afford to allow this to occur?
Fortunately, there is an extremely simple method and alternative to manual data import and export. If you need to transfer or copy data from one page or website to another, you may do so using our Import/Export tool.
Using our easy import and export features, you can easily migrate your forms and data to another site or replicate your forms on a new site.
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Updated History
13 June 2022 Formidable Export View Addon 1.06
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