Facebook Page Feed Box WordPress Plugin v1.0.0

Download Facebook Page Feed Box WordPress Plugin Nulled Free CodeCanyon 25431723
Facebook Page Feed Box WordPress Plugin
Easy to Customize!
Change colors, icons, fonts, text and more with the Asgard builder! Add Google Fonts and Font Awesome icons easily!
Display Public Page Feed!
Enter any public Facebook page URL and the plugin will automatically grab all the information and display it in a feed. Customize it’s options from the builder!
Save your Alerts
You can save and load different alert groups configurations so you can easily edit them to change info, edit the boxes, change colors and more!
User Friendly
Being a floating element, it will always be easily accesible to users. You can customize, among many other things, to always start open or closed.
Add them with 1 Click!
You can create all the alerts and profiles that you want, and activate them in your theme with just one click from the “manage alerts” tab.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Jan 10, 2020 - Facebook Page Feed Box WordPress Plugin v1.0.0
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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