EventOn 4.1.2 NULLED – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

EventON Event Calendar Nulled for WordPress is a nicely designed event calendar that displays events in a clutter-free, simple style. We take pleasure in developing EventON to meet the industry\’s newest design trends.
EventON has over 200 helpful features, including highly configurable recurring events, numerous event pictures, limitless event creation, customized calendar layout styles, event locations and organizers, and advanced capabilities such as multi data kinds and language-specific events. All of this is included inside codecanyon\’s #1 best-selling Event Calendar!
Amazing Features of EventOn
EventOn Calendar is jam-packed with fantastic features that will assist you in setting up a calendar for virtually any purpose!
- Customize the Colors. You may customize the colors associated with events and event type categories.
- Generator of Shortcodes. EventON has a one-of-a-kind shortcode generator that enables you to easily build a variety of shortcodes.
- Expandable Specifications. You may display an excerpt from the event with a fading preview of the full description, which viewers can see in its entirety.
- Countless Event Images. Set an infinite number of pictures for an event to create a vibrant gallery for your guests.
- Maps and directions to our locations. EventON makes use of Google Maps to show the locations of events and provide instructions.
- Calendar events may be added. EventON provides options for adding events to a calendar and adding events to a Google calendar.
- Highlighted Events. Featured events should be shown above all other events, or calendars should be created just for featured events.
- Reorganize the Event Card. Easily rearrange the data fields on the event\’s event card.
- Events that span several days. You can create events that span multiple days.
- Recurring Events. EventON has a variety of repeating options, including repeat by weekday and custom repeat schedules, that are simple to configure for events.
- Categorization of Events. Assign events to up to five different category kinds and build calendars that display just events belonging to a certain category type.
- Sort and filter events. Users may quickly filter and sort events to locate precisely what they\’re searching for.
- Metadata fields customized. With a pluggable extension, you may add up to ten unique event data fields with a variety of content kinds.
- Font awesome icons. You may modify all of the calendar icons using the font amazing retina icons that are available.
- Time Format Customizable. You may simply modify the date and time format of events globally.
- Icons for Social Sharing. Support for all major social sharing networks, as well as email delivery. This may be readily customized via the use of pluggable functions.
- Interaction with the User. Events may be opened as a slide-down window, as an in-page lightbox, as a single event page, or with no effect.
- Include an event organizer. Organizers of events, as well as their contact information and picture, may be utilized for future events.
- Support for RTL. For those languages that need it, EventON\’s frontend calendar supports right to left text.
- Editor of Appearance. The simple and fast appearance editor enables you to change the design of the eventon calendar to fit the style of your website.
- On-site events. Users may access location archive pages to see all events occurring in a certain location.
- Span the event till the specified time expires. You may extend an event\’s duration till the event\’s end time while concealing the event\’s finish time. Particularly for midnight closing hours
- Hide previous occurrences. Don\’t show previous events, eventon may prevent all previous events from being shown on calendars.
- Delete previous events. Not only can you conceal, but you can also set an automated deletion of all previous occurrences to keep things tidy and current.
- Conduct an event search. Visitors may simply search for and locate events using the built-in search bar, which includes an advanced search option.
- All ICS Events. Permit visitors to download all events as an ICS file compatible with Outlook and iCal.
- Numerous data types. Establish sophisticated data connections for events to maximize data efficiency and reusability
- Schema JSON-LD. Each EventON event has JSON-LD and normal schema data compatibility for improved search engine visibility.
- Pagination using AJAX. The calendar\’s events may be viewed in increments using ajax or via standard pagination.
- Events that last a year or a month. Create annual and monthly events that will appear on the calendar for the length of their existence.
- Automated completion. Once a cron event has passed, it will automatically finish.
- Calendar of Event Types. Create calendars that display events from just a subset of event categories or none at all.
- Support for WordPress Widgets. Calendars from eventON may be simply integrated into your website through WordPress widgets or by utilizing any eventON shortcode inside a widget.
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Updated History
9 September 2022 EventOn 4.1.2 NULLED – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
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