Estudiar 5.2 NULLED – College University WordPress

Estudiar Nulled is a clean modern and user-friendly WordPress University & College Theme with all the necessary features for your school, college or university. Its the Ultimate Niche WordPress Elementor Theme for College and University. Packed with a set of fully-customizable pages and a collection of practical elements, carefully tailored to the exact nature of the industry, and designed and developed to include every feature and functionality you could need for your purpose.
- Elementor Front End Builder
- Elementor Pro Support and Compatability
- Elementor Header and Footer Builder
- Extensive setup guide
- WooCommerce Integration
- Exceptional page-load performance straight out of the box
- Niche specific design and functionality
- No coding knowledge required
- One-Click Demo Content Import
- Extensive setup guide
- 23 HD Video Tutorials for beginners
- 100 + help articles written by us
- RTL Support
- Anchor functionality in menu – easily navigate to any section on the same or different page
- Translation (po&mo files) Ready
- WPML Plugin Integration
- Child Theme Ready
- SEO Ready
- Dedicated mobile responsive design, looks perfect on your IOS or Android device
No tutorial yet
Updated History
26 September 2022 Estudiar 5.2 NULLED – College University WordPress
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)