Dokan Simple Auctions – Dokan Auction Integration v1.5.5

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Want to offer your vendors auction-able products selling feature? This add-on for Dokan integrates WooCommerce Simple Auctions plugin in seller dashboard!
Dokan Simple Auctions module extends popular Dokan plugin with auction features. With this module your vendors can easily make auction-able products along with your regular products.
This module integrate Dokan plugin with WooCommerce simple auctions plugin, which you have to buy from CodeCanyon separately. That means to have auction system in your site, you need to buy two more plugins despite having Dokan –
1. Dokan Simple Auctions Module.
2. WooCommerce Simple Auctions plugin.
We have just integrated this plugin’s features to Dokan seller dashboard; as WooCommerce Simple Auctions is a third party plugin, if you find any bug in the system, please report them to authors official support channel in CodeCanyon.
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Updated History
Aug 10, 2018 - Dokan Simple Auctions - Dokan Auction Integration v1.5.5
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done) (if need)