DiviMenus Sharing by DonDivi v1.0.1

DiviMenus extension is required *
The DiviMenus add-on for Social Sharing
Convert Menu Items into Social Sharing Buttons!
DiviMenus Sharing adds the Share Link Type that allows you to share your posts and pages on social networks and get more traffic to your website.
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Theme Builder compatible
Choose where you want to display the DiviMenu with the Social Sharing Buttons (Pages, Posts, Custom Post Types, Special pages, etc)
Customizable Buttons
DiviMenus Sharing, unlike most Social Sharing buttons, does not offer predefined buttons designs (no matter how many) because we donβt need them!
We do offer DiviMenus to customize your Sharing Buttons. That is, you can use social buttons bars, but also vertical and circular ones.
You can use icons, custom images or text as content. You can even add titles. And most importantly, you can customize all these elements because you are using DiviMenus (e.g. alignment, text colors, backgrounds, hovers, buttons visibility, responsiveness, EVERYTHING).
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βββ β Want to include Social Sharing Buttons on images?
If you want to go one step further please check our DiviMenus On Media add-on. You will be able to share the images link (blog posts, portfolio projects, WooCommerce products, etc.) rather than the current post URL.
This is extremely useful for sharing your website posts without having to enter it!
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DiviMenus Sharing β 01 Design a Social Sharing DiviMenu
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DiviMenus Sharing β 02 Add Social Share on Blog module
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More info: https://dondivi.com/divimenus-sharing/
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Sep 6, 2021 - DiviMenus Sharing by DonDivi v1.0.1
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
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