DeepSound – The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform v1.4.9

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DeepSound is a high-quality music sharing & streaming PHP script, DeepSound is the best way to start your own music streaming website! our platform is fast, and secured, and it is being regularly updated.
DeepSound is the only music platform in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!
- Do you have any questions? take a look at our documentation.
- Current Version: v1.4.5, View Full Change Log
- Looking For Demo? View Demo (You can sign up with any random information.)
- Looking For Native Mobile Applications For DeepSound? Get All Applications.
- Upload Music: Upload any song from your device and share it online with other users.
- Wave generator: Once the song is uploaded, the system generates real-time waves for each song.
- High Performance & Capability: DeepSound can handle any amount of songs easily, with very high performance and speed.
- WoWonder Integration: With one click, users can log in to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
- Sell songs: Users can sell songs to other users.
- User Profile: The user can create his own profile and upload unlimited music.
- SEO friendly: SEO-friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!
- Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel.
- Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
- Pro System: Users can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages.
- Dashboard: The user can view the latest song statics from his own dashboard.
and much more…
PHP 5.5 or Higher.
GD Library.
Mb string.
See what’s new added, changed, fixed, improved, or updated in the latest versions.
v1.4.7 [22/07/2022]
- ADDED user roles, editor, moderator, and admin.
- ADDED The ability to add, edit and remove pro packages.
- ADDED The ability to add custom withdrawal methods.
- ADDED feature privacy, choose who can each use a feature, all, pro, admin, users, or artists.
- ADDED The ability to mark all messages as read.
- ADDED time to messages.
- ADDED The ability to resend email verification and two auth emails.
- ADDED hreflang tags.
- IMPROVED SEO of the whole website.
- IMPROVED speed bt 50% more.
- UPDATED all PHP libs to new versions.
- The FIXED earnings count was wrong.
- FIXED verification badgfe now showing everywhere.
- FIXED empty album showing when songs are private.
- FIXED songs were downloaded as .html files if remote storage like Google cloud is enabled.
- FIXED scrolling issue on admin panel.
- FIXED 5 minor bugs.
v1.4.6 (30 May 2022)
- ADDED new left sidebar on volcano theme.
- ADDED faqs page.
- ADDED new discover page on the default theme.
- ADDED Yoomoney, Fortumo, Aamarpay, Ngenius, CoinPayments, Coinbase payments gateways.
- ADDED The ability to re-arrange playlist songs.
- ADDED The ability to translate terms page.
- ADDED Remember This Device option to the login page.
- ADDED Password Complexity System to the registration page.
- ADDED Auto Username to the registration page.
- ADDED The ability to translate SEO details.
- FIXED 5 minor bugs.
See what’s new added, changed, fixed, improved, or updated in the latest versions.
Version 1.4.5 (26 Jan 2022)
- ADDED FFmpeg debug system, now you can debug the output of the FFmpeg
- FIXED uploading albums was not working.
- FIXED email confirmation was not working.
- FIXED price not showing on events and purchase page.
- FIXED a few minor bugs.
- OPTIMIZED database table indexes.
Version 1.4.4 (22 Jan 2022)
- ADDED Google Drive Storage, now you can upload directly to your own drive account.
- FIXED a few minor bugs.
- UPDATED documentation,
Version 1.4.3 (13 Jan 2022)
- ADDED Earn Points link to the left navbar.
- ADDED The ability to withdraw points as real money.
- ADDED The ability to earn points by listening to songs.
- ADDED The ability to add, edit or remove currencies from Admin Panel -> Payments & Ads -> Manage Currencies.
- MOVED Point System Settings from Website Information to General Configuration.
- FIXED design bugs in the volcano theme.
- FIXED a few minor bugs in the backend.
- ORGANIZED CDN links, now all js/CSS libraries are loaded from your server.
Version 1.4.2 (02 Jan 2022)
- FIXED digital ocean spaces upload/test issues.
- FIXED one signal blank page issue.
- The FIXED wallet was not updating after purchasing an item from the store.
- FIXED SMTP encryption value in the admin panel.
- FIXED delete system for categories.
- FIXED play full album problem, it was hanging.
- FIXED Admin Panel -> SEO page loading issues.
- ORGANIZED CSS files, and removed any inline CSS code.
- UPDATED documentation,
Version 1.4.1 (10 Dec, 2021)
- FIXED edit / add categories from admin panel.
- FIXED Paystack payment system.
- FIXED create announcements system.
- FIXED social login system, VK / Mailru & Discord.
- FIXED "You may also like" in product page was showing user avatar instead of the item picture.
- FIXED you can see only the last story if you have multiple stories.
- FIXED slow youtube video player.
- IMPROVED speed.
- UPDATED documentation.
Version 1.4 (24 Nov, 2021)
- ADDED Razorpay, Securionpay, Pay, haystack, Iyzipay, checkout, cash-free & payment methods.
- ADDED The ability to import songs from YouTube + Video Player.
- ADDED events system, artists can create events and sell tickets + admin commission.
- ADDED store system, artists can sell items related to their song + admin commission.
- ADDED The ability to upload video trailer as channel cover or musician.
- ADDED story system, users can upload stories with audio-only, free & paid stories.
- ADDED The ability to edit SEO tags for each page.
- ADDED digital ocean spaces support.
- ADDED LinkedIn, Vkontakte, Instagram, QQ, WeChat, Discord & Mailru social login.
- ADDED manage emails and user invitation system to admin panel.
- ADDED 24 link validation for reset password.
- ADDED The ability to edit SEO from the admin panel.
- ADDED more APIs
- FIXED 15+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.3.5 (21 May 2021)
- FIXED PayPal on PHP 8.0
- FIXED Audio embed issue on other sites.
- FIXED spotlight page (500 Internet Error) on PHP 8.0
- FIXED ajax load on an admin panel (wasn’t loading all the page).
- FIXED (500 Internet Error) in the admin panel’s dashboard.
- FIXED report a song on the "latest songs" page in a user profile.
- FIXED 3+ minor reported bugs.
Version 1.3.4 (20 April, 2021)
- ADDED ability to tip artists (enable/disable).
- ADDED hall of fame for artists (new page) (enable/disable).
- ADDED admin panel notifications.
- ADDED ability to tag other artists to show they performed together (enable/disable).
- ADDED new admin panel, v2 with ajax load and faster load.
- ADDED ability to limit the number of characters in comments.
- ADDED support for PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 8.0+
- ADDED more APIs
- FIXED 15+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.3.3 (04 Oct 2020)
- ADDED ability to restrict rights of a certain users from uploading / importing a song.
- ADDED auto friend function in the admin panel.
- ADDED ability to mention someone in the comments.
- ADDED point system, users can earn points by doing several activities on the site.
- The ADDED ability for users to post blogs.
- ADDED ability to reply to comments.
- ADDED more APIs
- FIXED 25+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.3.2 (22 May 2020)
- ADDED more APIs
- FIXED 20+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.3.1 (13 May 2020)
- ADDED The ability to add custom pages.
- ADDED affiliate system.
- ADDED ability to upload a folder to an album.
- ADDED ability to set discover as a landing page (enable/disable).
- ADDED Itunes importer and Itunes affiliate system.
- ADDED The ability to import songs from Deezer.
- ADDED audio ads, users can create ads in audio.
- ADDED the option for admin to only upload.
- ADDED the option for artists to only upload.
- ADDED The ability to like blog comments.
- ADDED more APIs.
- FIXED 30+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.3 (03 Dec 2019)
- ADDED blog system (only admin can create blogs).
- ADDED Advertisement: Display ads on your websites.
- ADDED Ability to import from sound cloud.
- ADDED Ability to Login via Soundcloud.
- ADDED Ability to add preexisting single/song into an album.
- ADDED Ability to edit/move song position in an album.
- ADDED Ability to review songs.
- ADDED custom fields.
- ADDED DMCA page.
- ADDED Notification management system (Users can choose what kind of notifications they want to get).
- ADDED Session manager (users can view/manage browser/platforms where they are logged in).
- ADDED Two-factor authentication system using email or phone.
- ADDED Confirmation system when user login from the new location.
- ADDED Twilio API for sending SMS messages.
- ADDED new APIs.
- ADDED Mass notifications.
- ADDED Invitation Codes.
- ADDED Radio stations.
- FIXED 20+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.2.1 (08 Nov, 2019)
- ADDED new theme (Volcano)
- FIXED 5+ minor reported bugs.
- IMPROVED speed.
Version 1.2 (13 Aug 2019)
- ADDED statics for each song, each album, this week, this month, today’s views, likes, dislikes, etc.
- ADDED bulk upload, one click, user can select 10+ songs in albums.
- ADDED lyrics, the user can upload lyrics to the song.
- ADDED The ability to disallow or allow download and embed features.
- FIXED 5+ minor reported bugs.
Version 1.1 (04 Jun 2019)
- ADDED option for admin to disable sell option, the artist won’t be able to sell.
- ADDED more payment methods, bank, and stripe.
- ADDED earnings page in the admin panel, to view the site’s latest sales and earnings, pro sales + song/albums sales.
- ADDED purchases count on the song page.
- ADDED dislike system, users can now like or dislike a song.
- ADDED search to manage playlists in the admin panel.
- ADDED search to manage albums in the admin panel.
- ADDED more currencies.
- ADDED push notifications.
Version 1.0 (8 Apr 2019)
Initial release.
No tutorial yet
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Jan 26, 2022 - DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform v1.4.8
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