CM Answers Experts Addon v2.0.9

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Version: v2.0.9

Last Updated: Dec 10, 2020

The ask the expert system supports adding multiple experts and assigning them to an unlimited number of categories.

Each expert can be assigned to more than one category while each category can host several experts.

Assigning Questions to Experts
Users can post a question, and the first expert to answeris assigned to the question and continues the communication with the user who posted the question.

Each question can be publicly or privately displayed. If set to private, only the expert and the user will be able to view the question and answer.
User can also choose to post a question to a specific expert and not to all experts in a category.

Admin Dashboard Showing Each Question Status

Admin Dashboard Showing Each Question Status

Ask the Expert Payment Support
The ask the expert plugin can support payments using the EDD (Easy Digital Downloads) or WooCommerce cart systems which has more than 30 available payment gateways including PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout and many more.

Define the cost for posting a question or for answering. Set a different price for each category or also a price for viewing an expert answer.

Requires the payments add-on.

Experts Profile and Dashboard
Each verified expert can create their own profile with a detailed description about their background. An Expert can add a picture and also additional contact information.

Ask the Expert Dashboard
The Expert dashboard contains all questions awaiting a response, questions which were already answered and gives access to the expert profile.

Use a shortcode to list all available experts by category so users can directly pick the expert they wants to receive answers from

Edit Profile Screen in Expert Dashboard

Edit Profile Screen in Expert Dashboard

User Profile and Dashboard
The User can create a profile adding their picture and basic contact information.

Posting Questions
Users can post new questions which will be sent to a list of experts or else placed in the public folder so anyone can answer it.

Users can attach files or images to questions they ask.

Screen Showing New Question Posted by a User

Screen Showing New Question Posted by a User

WordPress Administrator Dashboard
The WP admin can view all current questions in the system, reassign a question to another expert, make a question public or private and manage all questions.

Reports and Statistics
Use a reports dashboard showing all system activity and additional statistics for each expert.
Screen Showing Statistics and expert Reports

Screen Showing Statistics and expert Reports

Expert Plugin Use Case Example

  • User Community – Build a professional community website powered by user generated content. It is divided to experts who give out answers to users who submit them. You have the power to create a centralized hub platform for giving answers and feedback to your users. Monetize the platform by letting users pay for a subscription and also rewarding your experts. The viral effect of such concept is vast, so don’t waste time, and start your project today.

Using the Ask the Expert System for WordPress

  • Post Questions for Experts to Answer – Let real experts answer user questions on your WordPress site
  • Private Questions Support – Lets users ask experts private questions
  • Assigning Questions to First Available Expert– Let experts pick the questions they can answer
  • Expert Supported Categories – Support multiple topics and unlimited experts
  • Expert Directory – Build an index of all available experts by category

Ask the Expert Localization and Supported Languages

Easily Localize the Experts System
All frontend labels can easily be changed to any language so the user interface will speak your language.

We already have PO/MO files for many languages covering all plugin frontend interactions.

Plugin Labels Settings

Plugin Labels Settings

Supported languages includes: Spanish, Polish, German, Danish, French, Italian, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish.

Ask the Expert Additional Requirements and Customization
Let us know if you are missing any functionality. We can help you customize our plugin to meet your specific needs and business requirements.

Ask the Expert Prerequisite Plugin

  • CM Answers – Is bundled with Ask the Expert system

Ask the Expert Related Resources

  • How to Create an Amazing WordPress Ask the Expert System in WordPress

No tutorial yet

Updated History

Dec 10, 2020 - CM Answers Experts Addon v2.0.9

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