Clever Layered Navigation – WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter v1.0.0 – 21 October 21

Download Clever Layered Navigation – WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Nulled CodeCanyon 21707934
CleverLayeredNavigation is WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter which adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop. Our built-in AJAX Product Filter functionality gives your customers a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
CleverSwatches Compatibility
Variation Swatches Filter supported: this feature can’t work alone without CleverSwatches plugin. So please make CleverSwatches plugin is installed on your site.
Popular Theme Supported
CleverLayeredNavigation has already tested with these popular themes: Avada, Flatsome, Salient, Porto, Shopkeeper, X, Mr. Tailor, Electro, Savoy, Jupiter, Xstore, EmallShop, WoodMart, Vitrine, Unero, Bronx
Key Features
- Filters: Product selection may be narrowed down to show PRICE, NEW, ON-SALE, and IN-STOCK items
- Attribute multi-select: Unlike in native functionality, several attributes of a single filter may be selected at the same time No intermediary page reloads
- Ajax Load: Navigation process is not interrupted by reloads after each attribute selection
- Filter products by reviews and ratings
- Range Slider display option for numeric attributes: apply Range Slider display mode for various numeric attributes like price, weight, memory size, megabyte, etc. to make store usage more convenient for the customers. Besides, sliders take a lot less space in the navigation block, so the navigation will be more compact.
- From-to widget for numeric attributes: To filter products by price or any other numeric attribute you can either display price ranges or let customers specify minimal and maximal price limits with a handy widged. It’s also possible to show the ‘from-to’ widget together with other price filter types.
- Advanced options for navigation by brand: Filter products by brand in the navigation block – provide customers with an intuitive way to find exactly what they need.
- Sidebar and Widget WooCommerce Product Filters – Full support for all themes in sidebar mode.
- Vertical and Horizontal Navigation
- Variation Swatches Filter supported: this feature can’t work alone without CleverSwatches plugin. So please make CleverSwatches plugin is installed on your site.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Oct 27, 2021 - Clever Layered Navigation - WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter v1.0.0 - 21 October 21
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