Classiera 4.0.23 – Classified Ads WordPress Theme

Classiera is one of the most popular and the latest Premium Classified Ads WordPress theme. Fully Responsive, SEO Optimized, Regular And Featured Ads with Pricing Plans and Pay Per Post & Much more.
As a admin you can hide or show BID SYSTEM from your website. BIDS will be display publicly. When any user will place BID on any ad, then that ad author will receive email notification for that BID and Author can reply from Website user Dashboard.
As a buyer and seller, both user\’s can reply to each other within website user dashboard.
You can show your ads on Google MAP with Google MAP latitude and longitude values. You can also select you want to show Premium Ads or Regular ads on Google MAP.
In Classiera we have option to search ads on MAP, User can search ads by typing address or city name, and MAP will be zoomed to that locations and will display ads from that location.
Classiera – Classified Ads WordPress Theme Features
Unique Layout Design. Classiera Classified ads theme is carrying unique multiple layouts design. Layout has eye catching effects. You can arrange these layouts as per your requirements.
Fully Responsive. Classiera is aimed to design for fully responsive with good user interface. It is easy to reading, navigation, scrolling over all range of latest technologies and devices.
Coming Soon Template. We made stunning coming soon page design along with counter to keep thing in mind the first impression is last impression.
Layer Slider. ClassiEra has layer slider which holding stunning slideshows with extremely good effects for images and content sliders.
List and Grid View. Classiera has fantastic list and grid view which is fully responsive on all sorts of devices.
Advanced Search Bar. Classiera has advance featured search bar which allows the users to search through categories with advance filter such as price range, locations, categories and item condition.
Blog Template. Our custom built blog Template is entirely mobile friendly, and incredibly trouble-free to use.
Convenient Front End Ad Posting. Classiera makes the users to authorize front end ads posting in convenient way with two types of eye catching post template design.
Google Fonts. Classiera has carried more than 600 Google fonts variations in the theme.
Unlimited Colors. Customizable Colors Scheme included in the theme. Modify your colors scheme from backend as per your requirements quickly and smoothly.
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Updated History
6 August 2022 Classiera 4.0.23 – Classified Ads WordPress Theme
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